
The Hydro-PAQ™ is a compact integrated clarification system with built-in sludge recirculation that operates at a high rate and incorporates multiple processes, such as coagulation, flocculation, settling, and sludge recirculation.

Compared to other conventional clarification systems, the Hydro-PAQ™ solution offers a lower overall cost due to its reduced space, high-performance operation and chemical dosing requirement. It is suitable for water and wastewater treatment applications in various temperatures and water source conditions.

Upon installation, the Hydro-PAQ™ provides benefits to treatment facilities over the equipment’s lifetime. Reduced energy consumption and ease of operation make it an asset whether considering capital or operational expenditure.


The Hydro-FIL™ is a robust and well-established gravity filtration system commonly used as a secondary treatment to further reduce the TSS and turbidity after the Hydro-PAQ™. Cross-flow method plays an essential role by utilising the feed water to increase backwash efficiency, resulting in shorter backwash durations, smaller pumps, and reduced power consumption. When combined with Hydro-PAQ™ technology, this unit serves as an effective solution for treating large volumes of water.



Ultrafiltration is an advanced separation technique that has gained significant attention across various industries. It selectively separates particles and solutes based on their size using a semi-permeable membrane. The process utilises a size exclusion mechanism, only passing substances below a specific molecular threshold through the membrane while rejecting large impurities.

Ultrafiltration operates through pressure-driven membrane separation. The membranes have controlled pore sizes, ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. Selecting an appropriate membrane pore size is crucial for achieving efficient macromolecules, colloids, suspended solids, and other particulates’ separation from a liquid stream.



Reverse osmosis (RO) is a highly efficient water purification process widely utilised across various industries. The technology applies pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane, leaving dissolved solids, contaminants, and impurities behind. RO efficiently removes diverse contaminants, including salts, minerals, bacteria, viruses, and organic compounds.

The reverse osmosis process operates on selective permeation, reversing the natural movement of molecules from regions of higher solute concentration to lower solute concentration. In RO, the feedwater is subjected to a pressure higher than the osmotic pressure, enabling water to pass through the semi-permeable membrane. Meanwhile, most dissolved solids and contaminants are rejected and remain in the concentrated reject stream, creating brine.



Deionisation systems primarily utilise ion exchange (IX) technology. This process commonly removes dissolved solids from water, producing highly pure water. Typical applications of this technology include water purification for semiconductor and solar panel production (to obtain ultrapure water for rinsing), power generation (for condensate polishing and boiler feed water), and steam production (for condensate polishing and boiler feed water).

Ion exchange involves the reversible ions exchange between a resin (the ion exchange material) and a liquid without causing any permanent change in the resin’s structure.

The resin absorbs impure ions (positive and negatively charged) and requires periodic regeneration to restore it to its original ionic form. There are two types of regeneration methods: internal and external. Internal regeneration occurs within the vessel, where the resins are regenerated. External regeneration is a more complex process that occurs outside the purification vessel. In this case, the resin is transferred to a separate regeneration vessel to be regenerated and then returned to the operating vessel.


Cyclic Sequencing Activated Sludge (CSAS)

Cyclic Sequencing Activated Sludge (CSAS) is designed to operate the aeration, sedimentation, and effluent draw sequence cyclically. Each CSAS tank serves the dual functions of aeration and sedimentation, eliminating the need for an external secondary clarifier or sedimentation tank. The aeration, sedimentation, and effluent draw processes are all controlled automatically by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).


The Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) is an advanced technology used for wastewater treatment that has gained considerable attention in recent years. It offers a highly efficient and cost-effective solution for removing organic matter, nitrogen, and other pollutants from wastewater streams. The MBBR process utilises specially designed carriers to create a suspended biofilm, which provides a large surface area for the growth of microorganisms that degrade contaminants.

The MBBR technology is commonly used in municipal wastewater treatment plants to enhance the removal of organic matter and nitrogen. MBBR systems can be integrated into existing treatment processes, providing additional capacity and improving the overall treatment efficiency. The technology effectively reduces domestic wastewater’s carbonaceous and nitrogenous load, ensuring compliance with stringent effluent discharge standards.

Industrial wastewater treatment is another significant application of MBBR technology. It offers a versatile solution for treating effluents from food and beverage, chemical manufacturing, and pulp and paper industries. MBBR systems can effectively remove organic pollutants, oils, fats, and other contaminants specific to each industry, resulting in cleaner and safer wastewater before discharge or reuse.



Anaerobic treatment involves microorganisms’ biological breakdown of organic matter in an oxygen-free environment. This process generates biogas, primarily composed of methane and carbon dioxide, as well as a stabilised residue known as digestate. The anaerobic treatment efficiently manages organic waste such as sewage, agricultural, and food waste while minimising its environmental impact.


Aerobic treatment is a biological process that utilises oxygen to decompose organic waste. It relies on aerobic microorganisms like bacteria and fungi, which thrive in oxygen-rich environments. Aerobic treatment helps reduce the adverse environmental effects associated with waste accumulation and disposal by facilitating the natural breakdown of organic waste.

Aerobic treatment offers several environmental benefits. Firstly, it promotes the efficient decomposition of organic waste, thereby reducing the release of greenhouse gases, mainly methane. It also minimises the potential for water and soil pollution by breaking down organic pollutants and converting them into harmless byproducts. Additionally, aerobic treatment contributes to the conservation of natural resources by producing nutrient-rich compost suitable for enhancing soil quality and supporting sustainable agriculture.


Industries that utilise HF acid face significant challenges when managing the resulting wastewater. HF acid is a corrosive and hazardous chemical commonly used in chemical manufacturing, petroleum refining, glass etching, and electronics production. However, the disposal of HF acid wastewater poses serious risks to human health and the environment due to its toxicity and potential for environmental contamination. The HF acid wastewater system was developed as an innovative technology to address these challenges.

The HF acid wastewater system utilises various principles and techniques to effectively treat and manage HF acid wastewater. Its primary objective is to neutralise and remove HF acid from the wastewater, making it safe for discharge or further treatment. Chemical neutralisation is one of the key principles utilised in the system. This process involves adding chemical agents, such as calcium hydroxide (lime), sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), or sodium carbonate (soda ash), to the wastewater. These chemicals react with HF acid, forming less harmful compounds, such as calcium fluoride or sodium fluoride, which are more environmentally friendly. Through the neutralisation process, the pH of the wastewater is adjusted to a safe level, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards for discharge or further treatment.

In addition to chemical neutralisation, the HF acid wastewater system may incorporate advanced treatment technologies to purify the wastewater further. These technologies include sedimentation, filtration, activated carbon adsorption, or membrane processes, depending on the specific requirements and contaminants present in the wastewater. These processes remove any remaining impurities, ensuring the wastewater meets stringent environmental and regulatory standards.


Acid Waste Neutralisation (AWN) Treatment System

The AWN treatment system is an innovative technology that effectively neutralises and treats acid waste to ensure safe discharge or further treatment. This system utilises various principles and techniques to treat and neutralise acid waste from different industrial processes. Its primary objective is to adjust the pH of the acid/alkaline waste to a safe level, making it less harmful and suitable for disposal or additional treatment.

Chemical neutralisation is one of the key principles used in the AWN treatment system. This process involves carefully adding alkaline substances like lime (calcium hydroxide), caustic soda (sodium hydroxide), or soda ash (sodium carbonate) to the acid waste. The alkaline substances react with the acidic components, forming water, salts, and other less harmful compounds. This chemical reaction raises the pH of the acid waste to a safe and acceptable level, typically within the limits set by regulations.

The AWN treatment system is widely used in various industries that generate acid waste. The etching and cleaning processes involved in manufacturing PCBs and other electronic components oblige the semiconductor and solar industries to treat their resulting acidic wastewater. This treatment system ensures the safe disposal of acids like hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid, preventing contamination of water sources and safeguarding human health. It helps semiconductor and solar manufacturers comply with strict regulations and standards regarding the discharge of hazardous waste.


Ammonium/Ammonia Treatment System

The Ammonium/Ammonia treatment system offers an effective solution for treating and removing ammonium and ammonia from the wastewater generated during semiconductor manufacturing. This system ensures the preservation of water quality and compliance with environmental standards.

In the semiconductor and solar industries, the Ammonium/Ammonia treatment system utilises principles and technologies to effectively treat and remove ammonium and ammonia from wastewater. The main objective is to preserve the water quality.

BW Water typically uses a Closed Loop Ammonia Stripper System as part of the absorption treatment system to reduce ammonia levels in the wastewater stream. The effluent undergoes heating by passing through Heat Exchangers, raising the temperature from 30°C to 60°C as required by the stripper-scrubber system. The pH is increased to a value greater than 11 to strip ammonia from the wastewater stream. This is achieved by adding caustic at the heat exchanger upstream of the ammonium removal system.

The air stream with NH3 stripped exits the stripper and enters the scrubber system. In the scrubber system, H2SO4 reacts with ammonia, initially forming ammonium hydrogen sulfate, which further dissolves in the re-circulating H2SO4 to form ammonium sulfate. The longer the recirculation process, the more ammonium sulfate will form. H2SO4 is dosed into the scrubber solution to replenish the acid when the pH exceeds 4.5.

The air stream that has been scrubbed is re-circulated back to the stripper using an exhaust fan. The ammonium sulfate produced is transferred to an ammonium sulfate tank for disposal.


Backgrind waste is produced during the backgrinding process in semiconductor manufacturing. This process involves thinning the semiconductor wafer to achieve the desired thickness. The waste comprises various materials, including silicon, epoxy resin, abrasive particles, and coolants.

The Backgrind waste treatment system utilises various processes and technologies to handle and treat backgrind waste effectively. The waste is collected and sorted based on its composition and characteristics. Specific treatment methods are used for different types of waste, such as silicon slurry, epoxy resin, or coolant.

Solid-liquid separation is performed to separate the solid particles from the waste. BW Water typically uses techniques like coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation, where agents are added to the clarified liquid to induce the coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation of dissolved contaminants. This step aids in separating heavy metals, organic compounds, and other pollutants from the liquid phase.


Heavy Metal Waste Treatment System

Heavy metals like zinc, lead, and copper are common manufacturing byproducts in microchip manufacturing and chemical refining wastewater. When released into the environment, they are highly toxic and can cause harm to aquatic life, ecosystems, and human health. Therefore, implementing a Heavy Metal Waste Treatment System is crucial.

The Heavy Metal Waste Treatment System utilises various technologies to precipitate, filter, and remove these heavy metals from industrial wastewater. This is to avoid discharging them into the environment, harming the local ecosystems, and violating environmental regulations. Heavy metals wastewater is often treated with chemical precipitation, ion exchange, filtration, adsorption, and biological treatment technologies to achieve regulatory compliance and process water reuse quality.

Chemical precipitation utilises calcium carbonate, lime, or ferric chloride to change the pH of the wastewater and render heavy metals less soluble. This is why they precipitate. Ion exchange uses charged ion resins to attract and bind to heavy metals. The metals remain attached to the resins as the wastewater continues through treatment. Filtration utilises ultrafiltration and ceramic membranes to separate the heavy metals and wastewater, resulting in purified process water.



Cyanide is a potent, highly toxic chemical compound that acts quickly as a poison. It can be present in various industrial processes, including mining, electroplating, and chemical manufacturing. Its toxicity arises from its ability to disrupt the respiration process of cells, leading to severe health issues and even death in living organisms. Additionally, cyanide compounds can contaminate water bodies, causing harm to aquatic ecosystems and disrupting the natural environment. Therefore, implementing cyanide treatment systems is crucial to mitigate these hazards and ensure responsible environmental management.

Cyanide treatment systems utilise different techniques to eliminate or transform cyanide compounds. Standard methods used by BW Water include oxidation, precipitation, and adsorption. Oxidation involves introducing oxidising agents, such as hydrogen peroxide or ozone, to convert cyanide ions into less toxic forms like cyanate or carbon dioxide. Precipitation methods use chemicals like calcium hydroxide or ferrous sulfate to create insoluble precipitates that can be separated from the treated water.

Adsorption techniques utilise activated carbon or ion exchange resins to capture and remove cyanide compounds from contaminated water. These adsorbents have large surface areas, allowing them to effectively bind and retain cyanide ions.



Palladium, a scarce and valuable metal that finds wide usage in various industries such as semiconductors and chemicals, poses a challenge when recovering it from industrial waste. The Diluted Palladium Waste Recovery System has been developed to tackle this issue. This system aims to efficiently capture and recycle small amounts of palladium in waste solutions.

The Diluted Palladium Waste Recovery System combines chemical and physical processes to extract palladium from diluted waste solutions. By adjusting the pH, the system optimises the efficiency of palladium recovery. The addition of a suitable precipitating agent triggers the formation of insoluble palladium compounds. Commonly used precipitants include sodium hydroxide or ammonium hydroxide. These formed precipitates can be easily separated from the solution.

The precipitates are filtered to separate them from the liquid phase. The filtered solids are then washed to eliminate impurities and residual contaminants.


Aurum Waste Recovery System

The Aurum Waste Recovery System offers an innovative solution for effectively recovering and recycling valuable materials from waste generated in the solar and semiconductor industries.

Within the solar industry, the Aurum Waste Recovery System plays a crucial role in reclaiming precious metals like silver and tellurium. The semiconductor industry is utilised to recover valuable metals such as gold, silver, and platinum.

The Aurum Waste Recovery System incorporates several key principles, including hydrometallurgical processing. This involves treating the waste materials with appropriate solvents or acids to dissolve the desired metals and separate them from the remaining waste stream. Subsequent purification and separation steps are then used to obtain high-purity metals.

Another principle used by the Aurum Waste Recovery System is solvent extraction. This technique utilises organic solvents to extract specific metals from the leachate selectively. By exploiting the varying solubilities of different metals, the system effectively separates and concentrates valuable metals, thereby enhancing overall recovery efficiency.


Copper Waste Treatment System

The Copper Waste Treatment System effectively treats and recycles copper waste in the semiconductor and solar industries.

The Copper Waste Treatment System incorporates various principles and technologies to treat and recycle copper waste generated in the semiconductor and solar industries. Its main goal is to recover copper from waste streams, enabling its reuse and reducing the need for new copper production.

One of the key principles used in the Copper Waste Treatment System is chemical precipitation. This process involves adding specific chemicals to the waste stream, which selectively react with copper ions and create insoluble precipitates. These precipitates can then be separated from the wastewater using sedimentation, filtration, or other techniques.

Another principle utilised in the Copper Waste Treatment System is solvent extraction. This technique uses organic solvents to extract copper from the waste stream selectively. By exploiting the differences in copper solubilities, the system can effectively separate and concentrate copper for further processing and reuse.


Potassium Hydroxide Reclaim System

The Potassium Hydroxide Reclaim System provides an environmentally friendly solution for efficiently reclaiming and purifying used KOH. This process minimises waste production and conserves valuable resources.

The system is designed based on the principles of chemical separation and purification. It involves treating spent KOH solutions to recover and regenerate high-quality KOH for reuse in various applications. The system consists of three main components: filtration, ion exchange, and evaporation.

The process starts with filtration, which removes solid impurities and particulate matter from the spent KOH solution. This step eliminates contaminants that could affect subsequent purification processes. Following filtration, the solution undergoes ion exchange, where ion exchange resins selectively remove unwanted ions and impurities from the KOH solution. This step improves the purity of the reclaimed KOH, enhancing its performance in future applications.

The final step in the Potassium Hydroxide Reclaim System is evaporation. The treated KOH solution is heated under controlled conditions, causing water to evaporate and the KOH to concentrate. The evaporated water is condensed and can be reused or further treated, while the concentrated KOH solution is processed to obtain purified solid KOH or liquid KOH solutions of the desired strength.

Through chemical separation and purification principles, the system enables industries to minimise waste generation, reduce costs, and enhance environmental sustainability.


Polymer Removal System

The Polymer Removal System utilises various principles and techniques to eliminate polymers and reduce their COD content from industrial processes.

One of the main principles utilised in this system is the coagulation and flocculation technique, in which chemical agents play a vital role. These agents are specifically designed to dissolve or break down polymer compounds, making them easier to eliminate. The choice of chemical agents depends on the type of polymers encountered and the specific needs of the industrial process.

The system uses Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Solution (98% H2SO4) to lower the system’s pH to a range of 6.5 to 9.0. Poly-Aluminium Chloride (20% PAC) acts as a coagulant by neutralising charges in the mixture, allowing small groups of particles to come together. The system also introduces polymers to help these small particle groups form flocs, facilitating faster settling time.

Furthermore, the Polymer Removal System may incorporate filtration or separation technologies to eliminate polymer particles or contaminants from process streams. Filtration techniques such as microfiltration or ultrafiltration can remove suspended polymer particles, resulting in cleaner process fluids and improved process efficiency.

By utilising mechanical, chemical coagulation, flocculation, and filtration principles, this system provides a comprehensive solution for efficient polymer removal. Through ongoing research and development, this technology has the potential to become a crucial component in enhancing efficiency, reducing maintenance requirements, and promoting sustainability in industrial operations.





Reverse Osmosis


Cyclic Sequencing Activated Sludge (CSAS)

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)

Anaerobic Treatment

Aerobic Treatment

Hydrofluoric (HF) Acid Waste Water System

Acid Waste Neutralisation (AWN) Treatment System

Ammonium/Ammonia Treatment System

Backgrind Waste Treatment System

Heavy Metal Waste Treatment System

Cyanide Treatment System

Diluted Palladium Waste Recovery System

Aurum Waste Recovery System

Copper Waste Treatment System

Potassium Hydroxide Reclaim System

Polymer Removal System








Reverse Osmosis






Cyclic Sequencing Activated Sludge (CSAS)

Cyclic Sequencing Activated Sludge (CSAS)


Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)


Anaerobic Treatment



Aerobic Treatment


Hydrofluoric (HF) Acid Waste Water System


Acid Waste Neutralisation (AWN) Treatment System

Acid Waste Neutralisation (AWN) Treatment System


Ammonium/Ammonia Treatment System

Ammonium/Ammonia Treatment System


Backgrind Waste Treatment System


Heavy Metal Waste Treatment System

Heavy Metal Waste Treatment System


Cyanide Treatment System



Diluted Palladium Waste Recovery System



Aurum Waste Recovery System

Aurum Waste Recovery System


Copper Waste Treatment System

Copper Waste Treatment System


Potassium Hydroxide Reclaim System

Potassium Hydroxide Reclaim System


Polymer Removal System

Polymer Removal System